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Create an allowlist or blocklist

  2 min read

In the context of DNS filtering, a blocklist is a list of known harmful domains or IP addresses. An allowlist is a list of allowed domains or IP addresses, such as the domains of essential corporate applications.

Gateway supports creating lists of URLs, hostnames, or other entries to reference in your policies.

​​ Create a list from a CSV file

Here is a sample CSV file of URLs that you can use for testing. When formatting the CSV:

  • Each line should be a single entry.
  • Trailing whitespaces are not allowed.
  • CRLF (Windows) and LF (Unix) line endings are valid.

To upload the list to Zero Trust:

  1. In Zero Trust, go to My Team > Lists.
  2. Select Upload CSV.
  3. Next, specify a List name, enter an optional description, and choose a List type.
  4. Drag and drop a file into the CSV file window, or select a file.
  5. Select Create.

You can now use this list in the policy builder by choosing the in list operator.

​​ Create a list manually

  1. In Zero Trust, go to My Team > Lists.
  2. Select Create manual list.
  3. Next, specify a List name, enter an optional description, and choose a List type.
  4. Enter your list element manually into the Add entry field and select Add.
  5. Select Save.
curl{account_id}/gateway/lists \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'X-Auth-Email: <EMAIL>' \
--header 'X-Auth-Key: <API_KEY>' \
--data '{
"description": "Private application IPs",
"items": [{"value": ""},{"value": ""}],
"name": "Corporate IP list",
"type": "IP"

You can now use this list in the policy builder by choosing the in list operator.

​​ Example policy

Domainin listCorporate domainsAllow